February 25, 2001 Things to Do, in Increasing Order of Boredom and Desperation, for Twelve Hours at the Office on a Sunday with Nobody Else There while Waiting for a Grindingly Slow ARCserve to Restore Gigabytes and Gigabytes of Data that Disappeared Saturday Night for No Good Reason: First in a Series Check e-mail Browse all the sites you keep bookmarked Wish you'd brought a book Watch the progress indicator and try to do extrapolations in your head Work on ulcer Check e-mail Browse every site you've ever visited before Curse VonNeumann and his stupid, stupid machine Check e-mail Try to nap Order Chinese for lunch Browse every site you've ever read about, ever heard about or that exist at domains named for common words Order pizza for dinner, six hours early, so it can be put in the fridge and be nice and cold Climb onto desk and lift out acoustical tile, to see what's up there Run up and down hall Run up and down hall, hooting Perform a summersault, even though you are way too old and way too fat Make lots of long-distance calls to friends Make lots of long-distance calls, dialing randomly Check e-mail and curse your loser friends, who all apparently have better things to do than check their e-mail Eat the ice cream that was left in the freezer from the Christmas party Jiggle the handles on all the other suites on the floor Really explore the bathroom Actually read your company's marketing material Smell the furniture, checking to see if the armrests, because they come in contact with skin, are any different than the rest Smell the furniture, just because it's there Toe maintenance! Actually read your own site ★